So here is my opinion in a nutshell; my story on one page.
I have sold contracts to clients worth Millions of Pounds. I have built highly profitable Multi Million pound businesses and I have sold business for Millions too. I have lifted Major Trophies at Wembley and Old Trafford, developed multi million pound Professional Players and achieved 'impossible' victories.
In all of that experience, there are 11 things that I have learned are always central to success.
Those 11 things are these:
Burning Ambition
The Focused Work Ethic
An Alert Learning Philosophy
Honest Self Appraisal
Strong Technical Abilities
Tactical Wit
Pride in Professionalism
Positive Personality
Physical FitneSSS
High Class understanding of Teamwork
A relentless Mentality
By bringing those 11 skills together into a co-ordinated plan, I believe that any individual can enable his/herself to become fundamentally and significantly better. That was my objective in creating The Atelier Formula. I wanted to set out a framework that helped people to develop a 'new best' for themselves.
90 Minutes is all you need to win the FA Cup Final. It is also all the time it takes to learn The Atelier Formula.
The seminar series of 90 minute workshops gives even the busiest Executives a chance to open their minds and reconsider their way.
Please complete the application form below. We will assess your application and then call you to confirm your place at the seminar. All applicants are assessed as we have limited availability and want to ensure high levels of interaction and dedication.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Graham Westley
Author of The Atelier Formula